You woke up at 6:00 AM, you took shower, brushes your teeth, you eat your breakfast and you becomes ready to go to office. You do hard work in your office and come back at 6:00 PM. At night you take your dinner with your family. This is your overall daily routine. If you compare your daily routine with ancient humans, then you will find that there is only difference of work but the motive of current humans and early humans is same. What is your main motive to go office? That is to earn money, through which you can feed your family. And money fulfill your all need. And also early humans work for their family. In ancient time man hunt animals to feed their family. Means our motive is same, only the way of achieving get changed.
But have you ever thought about the main motive of our life. Well it is a confusing question. Go beyond your limits and try to think about the motive of that organism, who developed first on this planet. At that time the climate of the earth was very harsh, so we can suppose their first motive were to survive. And for its survival, it is also necessary to maintain their body. But one day its body will give up die. To keep their existence they have to reproduce themselves. In this way they live forever. Not their body, but their gene. And the process of copying their DNA and forming a new organism is combined called as reproduction. This process is further divided into two types, sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. In asexual reproduction offspring so formed by reproduction process are exact copy of their parent. Because their traits are coming from a single parent. But this process becomes much more complex in terms of sexual. In sexual reproduction offspring are/is not the exact copy of their parents. Because in sexual reproduction gametes are involved. ( Gamet is a special kind of cell which allow transmission of traits and having only half of a complete set of chromosomes.) So offspring have character of dominant. Well, come on topic.
Take a moment and think about yourself, who are you, where are you from and where are you inside your body. Is your body is yours or you are just forced to be in your body. These questions have no answer. Well we can say that the main motive of our life is to survive as long as possible, spread own gene as much as possible, and wait for death. We can say that we are just a slave of our own gene, who wants to live forever. Our gene just change bodies from bodies and tries to live as long as possible.
Thanks for reading.
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