We are warm blooded animals, and our normal body temperature is 37℃ or 98.6°F. We can feel uncomfortable either our body temperature goes on increasing or decreasing. And our body can not survive in any extreme temperature either it is very hot or very cold, but here a question arises, How our body gain temperature?

So lets start, the 45% of our body heat is generated by circulatory system of our body. As we know that blood flow throughout our body inside blood vessels. When blood flow inside vessels, due to the friction between blood and vessels surface, the temperature of blood arises and it makes our body warm. You have observed that the person who is suffering with high blood pressure have much body temperature in comparison to a normal person, that's why they also have high sweating rate to maintain their body temperature. Now we know, from where 45% of heat came from, but what about the remaining 55%. As we know that there were many chemical reaction is occurring inside our body. Like digestion of food, breaking of food into energy and many other metabolism. And sometime environmental factor are also responsible for body temperature.
 There is many chemical reactions occurring inside our body. Like we're burning the carbon dioxide which is present in sugar molecules which ingest. You can also say it is a oxidisation process; Oxygen is the thermal electron transfer chain, (as in loss of electrons is oxidisation and gain of electrons is reduction) but this process is not 100% efficient, so while some of the energy is captured as ATP or reducing power, the position that is not catured in given off as heat. So we can say that most of our body temperature comes from the cellular respiration, which takes place inside our body. The cellular respiration is how ATP, the major source of cellular energy is made from glucose. Cellular respiration generated heat because energy from glucose is converted into ATP. In certain cells, thermogenin (a type of protein) allows the protons in the cellular respiration to flow from the inner membrane to the matrix. The protons which presents in inner membrane of mitochondria as the electrons from glucose were used to mump them. This generates heat. In normal cellular respiration, the protons gradient is used to make ATP,  bit here a new question arise, How the protons gradient is used to make ATP, and generates heat?
  ATP can be hydrolyzed directly in broken fat cell and muscle cells to produce heat along with inorganic phosphate and ADP.

What is ATP?

The full form of ATP is 'Adenosine Triphosphate', it is a complex organic chemical which takes participation in many chemical process. It is also refferred as the " Molecular unit of currency " of intracellular energy transfer.

Is our body temperature is necessary for survival?

Yes, our body temperature is very necessary for our survival because increasment or decreasment of normal body temperature can leads to several damages of our tissues. We can get several disorder in our proper functioning of body. This is because our body cells have evoluted to remain in this temperature. There were several animals whose body temperature is as like humans. But there is also who have not any temperature inside their body, means their body temperature is dependent upon the environment temperature. For example: snakes, frog, fish etc. They are also called as "Cold Blooded Animals"

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